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Peer-Reviewed publications

O’Donnell L, Green JJ, Hill EC, O'Donnell M. 2024. Biocultural and social determinants of ill health and early mortality in a New Mexican paediatric autopsy sample. Journal of Biosocial Science.  Published online 2024:1-22. doi:10.1017/S0021932024000129.

O’Donnell L, Buikstra JE, Hill EC, Anderson AS, O’Donnell M. 2023. Skeletal manifestations of disease experience: Length of illness and porous cranial lesion formation in a contemporary mortality sample. American Journal of Human Biology.

O’Donnell L, Corron L, Hill EC. 2023. Perinatal disorders and small birthweight are significantly associated with small vertebral neural canal size in a contemporary pediatric autopsy sample. Spine.

Kennett et al. 2022. South-to-North Migration Preceded the Advent of Intensive Farming in the Maya Region. Nature Communications 13 (1) 1530.

O’Donnell L, Hill EC, Anderson AS, Edgar HJH. 2021. A biological approach to adult sex differences in skeletal indicators of childhood stress. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 10.1002/ajpa.24424.

O’Donnell L, Moes E. 2021. Sex differences in linear enamel hypoplasia prevalence and frailty in Ancestral Puebloans. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2021 (39):103153.

Anderson AS, Sutherland ML, O’Donnell L, Hill EC, Hunt DR, Blackwell AD, Gurven MD. 2021. Do computed tomography findings agree with traditional osteological examination? The case of porous cranial lesions. International Journal of Paleopathology 33:209-219.

O’Donnell L, Edgar HJH. 2021. Social determinants of health and wealth in historic African Americans. Biodemography and Social Biology 170(3):404-417.


O’Donnell L, Schillaci MA. 2021. Inferring population relationships of the Gallina and Pottery Mound Pueblo populations using craniometric and dental morphological biodistance. Kiva 87(1):97-128.


O’Donnell L, Moes E. 2021. Increased dental fluctuating asymmetry is associated with active skeletal lesions, but not mortality hazards in the pre-contact Southwest United States. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 175(1):156-171.


O’Donnell L, Hill EC, Anderson AS, Edgar HJH. 2020. Cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis are associated with respiratory infections in a contemporary mortality sample from New Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 173(4):721-733.


Kennett et al. 2020. Early Isotopic Evidence for Maize as a Staple Grain in the Americas. Science Advances. 6(23) eaba3245.


O’Donnell L, Meyer JV, Ragsdale CS. 2020. Trade relationships and gene flow at Pottery Mound Pueblo, New Mexico. 2020. American Antiquity. 89(3):492-515.


O’Donnell L. 2019. Indicators of stress and their association with frailty in the precontact Southwestern United States. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 170(3):404-417.


O’Donnell A, Ragsdale CS. 2017. Biological distance analysis and the fate of the Gallina in the American Southwest. Kiva83(4):515-531.


O’Donnell A, Daneshvari S, Edgar HJH. 2017. Can cephalometrics discriminate between the sexes in a diverse juvenile sample? Journal of Forensic Sciences. 62(3):735-740. 


Edgar HJH, Willermet C, Ragsdale CS, O'Donnell A, Daneshvari S. 2015. Frequencies of rare incisor variations reflect factors influencing precontact population relationships in Mexico and the American Southwest. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 26(6):987-1000.

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